Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Of a more solemn nature

Esteemed deities,
Accompanied by a string of these,
Delivers a
Sense of serenity.

Monday, February 27, 2017

As in Dungeness

Sticking a long,
Pointy earthen tongue out
Into open water, the coastline
Takes a slow, refreshing drink.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

"Charmed, I'm sure."

Glitzy, glittering galas
Lavish on the eye
An alluring,
Mischievous enchantment – an
Opportune alibi? Escape? The
Unfortunates might see their
Reality as cake?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Honoring Ida Lewis

Brava you!
Ever ready to rescue
A floundering soul;
On being so bold, so bright as
Never to bow to fright.

Please note: this wooden boat is totally unrelated to Ida Lewis and her efforts.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Snow day

Blasting cold and snow across the
Its fury, its
Any living thing in its path.
Remain safe indoors till the
Danger has passed. 

From the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources:

"Mar 14-16, 1870, blizzard struck northern Iowa and SW Minnesota with up to 16 inches of snowfall. First use of the term "blizzard" (from boxing, meaning volley of punches) by the Esterville, IA Vindacator newspaper. The term blizzard was not used by the U.S. Signal Corps Weather Service until 1876."

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Exciting maybes of
On seven earthlike spheres,
Plying the skies thirty-nine
Light years
Now provide a brief
Escape from hashtag

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Hold one another

Our primal instincts
Belong to tougher times.
Seeing people with
Reminds us to
Value every being on

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


That board
At which one or more might sit,
Breaking bread, writing, reading, is
Like a raft in this game of life,
Especially when the rules are misleading.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Divided, we ALL fall

Take an
Open stance;
Gather, in an
Effort to work
Towards a
End, excluding no one.
Risk the relationship.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017


Circles of mindfulness
Overlap around the world,
Meditating and measuring the
Pace of days, the pearls of wisdom the
Ancients purveyed:
Share unconditionally,
Showing equanimity.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Another take on calm

Censure the
Amygdala’s reptilian sway and
Let the rest of your
Mind save the day.

I wrote and posted a different acrostic on the word ‘calm’ on March 25, 2016. In this time of upheaval, it’s good to recognize what is at work in our brains as we react to the new administration’s corrupt games.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Falling back on Rule 19, the so-called
Leader claimed that Warren,
In her quoting King, his good buddy would
Maim. How weak can this
Senate be to play such blatant games?
Yes, indeed, these good old boys are lame! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Beware the arrow

Crafty little
Usurper of hearts, you
Ping your darts of fire,
Inciting all kinds of

Monday, February 13, 2017

It's all relative

You say “so be it!” as a positive
Expression, though, to what it refers could cause
Some depression.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Welcome, ‘ge’ (pronounced like ‘Gee, why didn’t we think of this before?’)

Gender neutrality succeeds!
Enter the new pronoun ‘ge.’

A particular English pronoun promotes inequality. Throughout history, the pronoun ‘he’ has been the go-to reference following nouns such as leader, student, teacher, etc. Many writers and speakers avoid the cumbersome ‘he or she’ (and yes, usually in that order) and replace it with ‘they.’ Grammarians cringe at that switch to the plural. I propose we add the pronoun ‘ge,’ thus offering gender neutrality in the English language. To show even more fairness, when it’s the object of a verb, it is ‘gim’ (as jim) and its possessive form is ‘ger' (jer).

Thank you for inspiring me to think more deeply about this, Rose A.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Standing together

And assured, only
Unite with family,
Aided by
Rational, caring people like
You and me.

Friday, February 10, 2017


Because of the command of
A so-called chief, this
Nation is suffering serious grief.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

From weary to woe

All is
And at
Such a cost.

I was reading Leo Lionni’s Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse with a student. We came across the word ‘alas’ and I wondered about its etymology. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Circle of life

We take for granted this
Handy machine with its
Ever ready axle, the two
Enabling all kinds of work;
Let us be humbly thankful.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Early philosophers
Little gems of doctrine from
Every system, assembling a
Compendium of diverse
Thought – their conclusion: Variety
Is the spice of life,
Centering on inclusion.

Thank you for this word, Amanda S., and Happy Birthday!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Wintry mix

Granular pellets of snow, little balls of
Accreted crystals
Unidentifiable with time – this kind of
Exacerbates conditions at
Low and high elevations.

Sunday, February 5, 2017


Timely opposition to
His highness’s lowdown
Ways is blowing into
Raging twister of legality and emotion
These days.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

It's true

Broadly grown throughout the world, this
Ever loved source of protein is
A venerable
Nutrient, with spices swirled, that helps
Sustain our well-being.

I just finished reading Jennifer L. Holm’s excellent historical fiction Full of Beans. Ten-year old Beans shares the effects on his life of the Depression and the New Deal era restoration of Key West. These are desperate times, especially in his town. It got me thinking about community spirit and the elements that bring people together. Thank you, Beans, for your inspiration.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Itchin' for a fight

Because he believes
Effectiveness is achieved by
Letting go of all reason, by
Leaping into a fight, he’s
Indeed a great leader, a real
Crowd pleaser; they’re proud
Of his courage and might. He’ll
Start a war without a thought; consider
Each cause his power has bought.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Six more weeks

February’s the month when
Out of his hole comes a wise old
Rodent named Phil.
As though he can
Say whether winter will be with us still.
Thus he predicts six more weeks of chill.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Hear the tale, keeping
In mind the teller.
See the evidence
To discern the facts.
Open your mind to
Reckon the whole of
Yesteryear’s rose-colored wax.