Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Much on steroids

Only in
Our language
Does this describe
Lots and lots, a seemingly

Thanks a lot, Michell G., for unwittingly giving me today’s word! J

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

In the dark

Over one’s head,
Beyond common ken,
Some things remain
Until curiosity flips on a  
Revealing beam,
Ending the mystery.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Depending on the tides

Scored perhaps by the
Hand of Kumugwe, land’s
Reaches deeper than the
Eye can see.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Addiction, for example

Aversion, attachment, and
Finally ignorance
Form the hub of
Life’s wheel,
Constant sorrow
That many prefer not to feel;
Of facing the brutal pain, they
Numb it until it
Sears them again.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Open your eyes

Burning behind the
Lids are lunatic
Not seeing that guns
Denote cowardice, not might.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Non-Fake news?


Is the NRA serious? More guns in schools? Students and staff will be safer? Shame on you and your twisted thinking, Wayne LaPierre. And Dana Loesch, people really like hearing about mass shootings? Look at your own sensationalistic presentation and accusations. You both represent an organization that backed Trump financially and he said he would take care of your interests. I guess that was fake news? It makes my head spin just listening to all your nonsense.  (2.5 minutes into program.)

Thursday, February 22, 2018


So this particular
Quadrilateral is
Unique: besides being
A shape of four
Right angles, they’re connected by four
Equal sides.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Made with love

Such beautiful,
Warm apparel is not so
Easily made; many
Are lovingly hand-knit, others crocheted.
The yarns and stitches are
Examples of ingenuity, so
Relish your cozy garment,
Sense its very artful esprit.

Thanks, Erin S., for your sweater-knitting tale and so, inspiring me to play with this word.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Flying reptile

Red-eyed glare
And fiery breath
Guaranteed an
Ominous challenge and
Near or certain death.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Beware the...

When a statement begins, “It is
One might encounter this effect, but
Zealous fact-finding efforts will
Lead from the
Experiential to the correct.

The woman who inspired the poster “We Can Do It!” was Naomi Parker, but for many years, Geraldine Doyle was credited as being the model. At that time lack of evidence, assertions, and assumptions led to endorsements and commonly held belief. In this era of people in power calling all reports contrary to his agenda “fake news,” we must be ever vigilant. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Petite Seat

Frequent ultrashort laser pulses
The tiniest chair;
One fs is to a
Second what
Exactly one second is to about –
Can you believe it? – thirty-
One million years!!! Its
Name came from ‘15’ in
Danish. For this very good cause we cheer!

The cause is a fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club of Rochester, MN. Here is the link:

Thank you, Rose A., for ‘needling’ me to compose this acrostic. J

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Weeee! Ski...

Jazzed to coast down, then
Up, up, up, and away, 
Magnificent skiers landed with
Poise today.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Ten tens Day!

Happily the
Ur-parts of this
Delivered ten and the concept of
Reckoning; today marks
Exactly when we reached this many
Days of school and
How learning totally rules!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

A people in...

Cries from both sides
Rise to a pitch
In which anguish flips a
Instantly lives are gone. Insanely, the
Second Amendment lives on.

The question arises every time. Nothing ever changes, except for the number of untimely, unreasonable deaths.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Sharing a room

Conviviality and
Respectable pair,
Allowing for lots of people to
Declare that they
Readily share similar
Ideas, and for
Each other care.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Agility ability

Like the wind down
A snaking slope – that’s
Out loud with
More than hope.

Monday, February 12, 2018


Light little sleds bear athletes, face
Up (supine), who
Gamely whish down an icy track
Ecstatically crossing the finish line.

Sunday, February 11, 2018


National teams feel
Gold, silver, or bronze will suffice.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018

Just not at the official games, please

Of straw carried by
Runners – if they
Could stay lit, winning
Had to be funner.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Gruff enough?

Gone they were
Over the bridge to
A meadow high on
The ridge;
Sighed the troll, just a smidge.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I want one!

Presidents can really
Ask for such costly
Regimental displays while
A bickering House and Senate 
Decide how much we'll
Eventually pay???

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The point

Decades of
Increments of ten
Means keeping
A brain
Limber again and again.

With thanks to Kelly S. and her sixth graders for the practice and the inspiration.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Faked him out!

In competition might
Near a nemesis
To a successful mission.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Optimal optics

Picture this: two
Hands, under the guidance
Of a creative mind
Taking in a scene, aware
Of the light, seek to
Grab and
Reproduce it. In
A flash, the moment
Passes, but it
Has been captured for
You and me to see.

Thank you, Geoff M., for inspiring me to play with this word.  

Saturday, February 3, 2018

See the beauty

Separate, protective
Hard covers, exteriors of
Excellent strength, their
Loveliness varies widely;
Look also at width and length.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Groundhog's Day

Shade that moves fluently
And there is made by a  
Drowsy critter, who, unaware it’s himself,
Of course,
Winces and to his den skitters.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

February means...

Unwholesome flaws,
Refining oneself
Is cause
For this month’s celebration;
You might feel great elation.