Friday, March 21, 2014

Poem #7 of Year 59

So what better way to spend one’s time when unable to fall back to sleep in the wee hours? Go ahead. Randomly pick your daily poem’s springboard word and get to work! Actually, I juggled two acrostic poems this early morning.

At a gathering of knitters last night I enjoyed a long talk with a most compassionate and aware woman, who not only writes poetry, but also facilitates a local group of writers. I mentioned the kinds of acrostic poems I wrote last year, inspired by words such as mindfulness, anxiety, patience, fear. She asked if I had done one about courage. Of course, my mind leaped on that word, as well as the one I chose from the dictionary.

Today’s word brought forth this poem, titled “Rotten?”

Yes, exult and respect that
One, extraordinary in its
Likeness to the sun, without which we
Know we would become extinct.

The first inspiration of this word was:

Orbs are

This is the acrostic poem I composed for my new friend’s word courage:

Couldn’t we as individuals tap into
Universally shared
Resources when we
Event horizons?

My 2007 edition of The American Heritage Dictionary defines an event horizon as “[T]he region, usu. described as spherical, marking the outer boundary of a black hole.” Don’t we in daily life sometimes find ourselves teetering on that edge? Take comfort that we are all interconnected and in that space together.


Unknown said...

Amy, this blog is so fun and creative! Keep reminding us on FB to check out your latest postings.

Write on!

Unraveling Y said...

Thanks for your encouragement! Is there such a thing as having too much fun with words?

Unknown said...

No. And you are certainly demonstrating that words can be fun! Great entry today as well!